Buying a New Narrowboat

The start of a new year is often a time when we decide to put our long-held dreams into action. If you’ve always dreamed of owning a narrowboat, but didn’t know where to start, then here are a few general tips and things to think about.

How will you be using your narrowboat?

You may want a narrowboat as a weekend retreat to get away from the stresses of modern life.  You could use your narrowboat for family holidays, cruising around Britain’s canals, or even as a permanent residence, providing accommodation in a beautiful location at a fraction of the cost of a ‘bricks and mortar’ home. Whatever your plans, it’s a good idea to experience narrowboat cruising by renting a boat. You can try out different types of boat at different times of year, while exploring a wide range of locations, which will help you decide what’s best for you.

Where do you want to cruise?

Where you’ll be using your narrowboat will have a crucial impact on the type of boat you buy. Our canals and rivers have evolved over 200 years, so the locks, bridges and tunnels vary in width, length and height. Smaller vessels will be easier to manoeuvre and some parts of the canal network will be completely inaccessible to larger boats (both in terms of length and width). For a detailed list of the accessibility of Britain’s canals according to the size of narrowboats and barges, see the Canal and Rivers Trust.

What size of boat?

Of course, this will be influenced by how you intend to use your boat. A narrowboat can be used for cruising almost any waterway and consequently they are the most common types of boats seen on Britain’s canals and rivers. They are generally 6ft 10inches (2.1m) wide and can be up to 72 feet (22m) long. However, 30 – 40 feet (9.1 – 12.2m) is usually ample for leisure cruising and 50 feet (15.24m) provides good living space.

If you’re looking to cruise on canals in Yorkshire, then your boat should ideally be no more than 56 feet long (17m) as all the locks are shorter in this area.

Barges and wide beams can be up to 14ft 6inches wide (4.4m) providing quite spacious accommodation but you are likely to be restricted on where you can cruise in them. Visiting a boat show, such as the Crick Boat Show gives you the opportunity to look at lots of different sorts of boats and talk to boat owners, which will help you to decide which type of narrowboat, barge or wide beam you would like.

Buying a new boat

New narrowboats, barges and wide beams are generally bought directly from boatyards, with costs that vary considerably depending on the size and specification. However, staff at the boatyards will be able to give you ballpark figures. As with any significant purchase, check the financial stability of the supplier and compare purchase costs as well as details of the warranty provided.

It’s most likely that your narrowboat will be hand-built to your specification. This will take many weeks, or even months to complete, so make sure that all your requirements are fully understood and agreed in detail at the outset. Most importantly, make sure that the price and delivery date are clear and be prepared to visit the boat builder at intervals during the build. Many boat builders use a British Marine Federation Standard Contract, which releases the ownership of the boat in stages. It details when you pay out, and should you encounter any problems, it enables you to take ownership of any completed work.


Before you take ownership of your boat, you’ll need a good narrowboat insurance policy in place. Assist Insurance Services Ltd are specialists in narrowboat insurance and provide flexible policy options, tailored to your individual needs.    Call the Assist Insurance customer service team on 01604 946 779 who will be able to guide you through the process to ensure that you have the right cover for your narrowboat or for more information, go to Narrowboat Insurance.

The information provided here are general tips on buying a new narrowboat and later this month we will provide you with some more general tips on buying a used narrowboat, if this is your preferred choice.

To stay up to date on topics like this please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn or have a look through our website for more tips.

Narrowboat Security

If you live on a narrowboat, or you continue to use it throughout the winter, it’s a good idea to review your security practices at this time of year as daylight is in short supply. You may also find that new technology is available and/or more affordable to help you protect your narrowboat.

Some security measures are a requirement of your narrowboat insurance policy, while others will provide you with greater peace of mind. Although your insurance will help to cover the financial cost of a break-in, the emotional cost may be higher. Of course, it depends on how much you want to spend and how worried you are about security, but here is a general guide to narrowboat security.

Hatch, doors and windows

These entry points are potentially the most vulnerable, so make sure that they are in a good state of repair and as secure as they can be.

  • Doors should be made from strong solid timber and they can have steel skins for extra strength.
  • Interior wooden window shutters provide additional security as well as insulation and privacy.
  • Use strong, high-quality window locks and cylinder padlocks, and secure hatches and doors with heavy-duty internal hasps.

Moveable items

  • If you’re leaving your narrowboat for any length of time, take your valuables home with you. If you live on-board your boat, then mark them with an indelible ‘invisible’ marker and keep them out of site when you’re not there.
  • Keep the shutters or curtains drawn on the towpath side.
  • If you keep bicycles on the roof of your narrowboat, then use a conventional bicycle lock and chain to prevent them from simply being lifted from the roof.
  • Lockable roof boxes can be used to store fishing tackle, tools, etc.
  • Protect your fuel – fit a lockable filler cap.

Security devices

  • A range of alarms is available for narrowboats and many operate in a similar way to car alarms, powered by a 12V battery. Some alarms will send a text message to you when activated.
  • GPS trackers can act as a deterrent – they can monitor the location of your narrowboat and notify you and the police if your boat is moved for any reason.
  • PIR (passive infrared) security lighting is activated when someone approaches and can also be a good deterrent.
  • Energy-efficient LED lighting on a timer switch can help your narrowboat to look occupied.
  • Engine immobilisers prevent the engine from being started so a potential thief is unable to move the boat.


  • Firstly, only moor where you feel safe. You may choose to moor in a marina, so check out their security measures.
  • In urban areas, it’s advisable to use chains or steel rope when mooring. As we approach the ‘silly season’ there’s an increased risk of having your boat cast off by people after a night out on the beer. It might seem like a good prank to them without realising the distress it can cause. If you’re unable to use a chain, then use a heavy-duty rope and attach cable-ties around the loose ends of the mooring knot so that it’s harder to untie.

There is plenty that you can do to improve your narrowboat security, so by reviewing your security measures on a regular basis, you can protect your narrowboat and give yourself some peace of mind.

For more boating and sailing tips and to keep up to date with related news, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Winterising your Sailing Boat

Legal Expenses Cover

Why opt for legal expenses cover in your marine insurance?

In addition to insuring your boat against a range of risks, you can opt for legal expenses insurance cover. From just £11.20 a year, you’ll receive up to £100,000 in legal costs and benefits. Not only does this cover you for legal expenses involving disputes on the water, and damage to your property, you’re also covered for legal costs incurred in disputes relating to the purchase of goods and services, personal injury, ID fraud and employment. See some of the examples below:

Legal expenses cover – ID fraud

The policyholder contacted the legal helpline after they were pursued for the non-payment of a loan taken out in their name. Our specialist legal insurers reviewed the case and determined the prospects of the claim being successful as over 51%, so they agreed to instruct a panel solicitor. The panel solicitor successfully proved that the policyholder had not taken out the loan and that they had been a victim of identity fraud. They contacted the loan company, who agreed not to pursue the policyholder any further. All legal costs were covered under the legal expenses insurance policy.

Legal expenses cover – consumer defence

The policyholder sold a high-end computer to a third party (but this could apply to any high-end good). Upon receiving the computer, the third party claimed it was faulty and requested their money back, with threats to take legal action. The policyholder was adamant the computer was in good condition when it was sold and our specialist legal insurers agreed to instruct panel solicitors to negotiate on behalf of the policyholder. The legal insurer had reviewed the case and determined the prospects of the claim being successful to be over 51%. The solicitor contacted the third party to discuss the claim. The third party immediately agreed to withdraw their allegations and the dispute was settled out of court. All legal costs were covered under the legal expenses insurance policy.

Legal expenses cover – employment dispute

The policyholder’s wife was employed by an estate agency chain as a branch manager. Over a period of 18 months she was subjected to sustained criticism from her line manager, which made her feel that her position had become untenable. As a result of this, she resigned and contacted the legal helpline in order to submit a claim for constructive dismissal. Our specialist legal insurers instructed solicitors to act for the policyholder after attempts to settle the dispute at Employment Tribunal were unsuccessful. The solicitor was able to negotiate an agreement with the employer securing a cash award, her company car and a reference. All legal costs and disbursements were covered under the legal expenses insurance policy.

It’s a very small price to pay for peace of mind for a year. To add legal expenses insurance, when you buy or renew your marine insurance policy, contact our marine insurance team on 01604 946779.

To stay up to day with news from Assist Insurance, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Preparing your Boat for the Winter

If you’re not planning to use your boat over the winter months, then now’s the time to think about bringing it ashore and protecting it against whatever the elements have in store. Winter boat preparation is vitally important to reduce the need for expensive repairs in the spring. What you do depends on the type of boat of course, and it may be a familiar routine, but here is a reminder of some of the key points.



  • Check the exterior of the boat by cleaning it, ensuring there is no cracking or any blisters. If you can do this a few weeks before you are due to leave your boat, it gives you some time to organise or carry out any necessary repairs.
  • Check for small problems before they become big ones. Check things such as corrosion, broken seals, excessive wear and tear or loose connections.
  • Cover your boat to protect it against the elements. If it has a cover, ensure that your boat cover is securely fastened and free of holes or gaps. If you can park your boat under a protective canopy or garage, this provides additional protection. If that’s not possible then try and store it in a location that would minimise wind exposure and bad weather, such as snow and debris.
  • Make sure that your boat is securely tied down.
  • Check your boat insurance policy for any conditions relating to winter storage, berthing or transit to make sure that you are properly insured.
  • Refer to your boat owner’s manual for specific recommendations for your boat’s winter preparation. 

Engine and fuel tank

  • Remember to change the engine oil and the oil filter, which will help to keep the engine clear of corrosive elements.
  • Check water coiling level and top it up if needed.
  • Flush the engine with fresh water to remove salt, dirt and corrosion and then drain water from the engine.
  • Top up the fuel tank to minimise fuel contamination.


  • Remove any standing water and clean up any dirt or oil, making sure everything is dry.
  • To prevent mould and mildew use dehumidifiers.
  • Disconnect any water pumps and drain them of any water to avoid freezing pipes which may cause them to split and fracture.

Use these general tips to get you started, and please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn or have a look through our website for more tips.

Dave Tranter – Business Development Manager

Dave Tranter appointed Business Development Manager 

We’re pleased to announce that Dave Tranter has been appointed Business Development Manager at Assist Insurance Services Limited. Having been with the company for over five years in a variety of roles, he has a breadth of experience in the leisure insurance industry and detailed knowledge of the company.

Dave started his new role in the summer, which was the ideal time to get out and about visiting marinas across the country and meeting a range of boating customers. After working in sales and then operations at Assist Insurance Services, Dave is very much enjoying the new challenges and opportunities that the role of Business Development Manager offers. He says: “Although marine insurance is a specialist area of leisure insurance, it covers a wide range of different boats and pleasure crafts, so however much experience you have, there is always the opportunity to learn and to meet new people.”

Dave continues: “I’m very much a people person and I’m passionate about our ethos of providing a high-quality personal service to our boat insurance customers. The fact that Assist Insurance is a UK-based family-run business is important to many of our customers and it’s something I’m proud of. I’m really excited to be responsible for taking the business forward and growing it further.”

Steve Leech, Director at Assist Insurance commented: “Dave is an excellent ambassador for Assist Insurance and a genuinely friendly, outgoing and charismatic person. These are exciting times for the company and I’m sure that Dave will thrive in his role as Business Development Manager as we manage the next phase of growth of our boat insurance services.”

For further information about our products or services, please have a look through our website.  You can also see why customers choose Assist Insurance for their boat insurance,

To stay up to day with news from Assist Insurance, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

The Joys of Boating

Our marine insurance policies cover all types of marine craft, from dinghies to jet skis, ribs, motorcruisers and yachts. They are sailed on rivers, lakes and seas all over the world. However in this blog post we focus on boating on the canals of Britain. We’ve found boaters to be committed enthusiasts who are happy to share their knowledge and love of boating. Whether you have a narrowboat, a widebeam or a livaboard, or you’re thinking about getting one, here are some of the reasons that our marine insurance customers choose to spend their time boating.

Flexibility of the boating lifestyle

You can choose between continuously cruising – moving about the canal system and stopping in one place for no more than 14 days (according to the terms of a boating licence) or living aboard – residing in one place, such as a permanent canal-side mooring or marina. Alternatively, you can combine the two – perhaps cruising in the spring and summer then staying at a single base during the colder months. It may depend on where you work – having a weekday base then cruising at weekends and holidays or moving to different places depending on your working requirements.

Being part of the boating community

Whether you stay in one place or move around, you soon feel part of the boating community. Many boaters are happy to share their experiences, knowledge and love of boating. The common lifestyle also engenders a feeling of respect for each other and each others’ property.

Being close to nature

The canals support a wealth of wildlife and you’re in amongst it while you’re on your boat. This means that sightings of kingfishers, herons or even otters are much more likely than they would be if you were just out for an afternoon walk. You experience beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and the changing of the seasons. Even in the winter, there’s the joy of a sunny day or the beauty of frost on the banks and trees. With a good heating system, double-glazing and insulation, narrowboats, widebeams and livaboards can be very cosy. Good ventilation is also important to reduce condensation.


The cost of canal boats varies enormously, but if you’re downsizing from a house, it’s possible to have a lot of cash left over. You can live in some beautiful locations at a fraction of the cost of renting a house or flat. You’ll need a boating licence and there are mooring or marina fees and fuel to pay for, but it can be a very economical way to live.

Enjoying simple pleasures

With less room for personal possessions and limited housework or maintenance to do, there’s more time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life – like good company, home-cooked food and watching the sun go down. There are also some lovely canal-side pubs to visit! However, you can still benefit from the convenience of modern technology when you want to stay in touch with the wider world.

For peace of mind and value for money, many boaters choose Assist Insurance to insure their boat. We’re specialists in the leisure sector and we take time to understand our customers, tailoring our policies to ensure that they meet your needs. Explore our website and discover why boaters insure with Assist Insurance.

To stay up to day with news from Assist Insurance, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Feefo gold trusted award

Feefo Gold Trusted Service Award for Assist Insurance

Assist Insurance has won the Feefo Gold Service Award 2018 for our marine insurance services. This independent accreditation is unique and only awarded to businesses that achieve high ratings scores from customers using Feefo. During 2017, Assist Insurance met the criteria of collecting at least 50 reviews with a Feefo rating of between 4.5 and 5.0, qualifying us for the Gold Service award.

Assist Insurance Services is a family-run business based in Northampton, now with over 18,000 policy holders throughout the UK and Europe. Assist is a specialist marine insurance provider, offering insurance for owners of narrowboats and barges, livaboards, widebeams and inland waterways boats as well as motor cruisers, yachts, speed boats, ribs and dinghies. The policies are specially underwritten by a leading Lloyd’s insurer and we provide comprehensive cover with competitive premiums. To make us truly unique, we have no call centres, so each time you call you can speak to the same person.

Steve Leech, Director at Assist Insurance, said: “As one of the fastest growing providers of marine insurance in the UK, this Feefo Gold Service award is a reflection of our commitment to our customers. We have a broad selection of boat insurance policies, so this means that our insurance consultants need to know about a wide range of boating activities and our customers’ specific insurance requirements. We always aim to listen carefully to our customers and respond to their needs. It’s a real honour to receive this award from Feefo. To be recognised for delivering exceptional experiences to our customers is a great achievement.”

Andrew Mabbutt, CEO at Feefo, commented: ‘The Gold Trusted Service award has always been about recognising those companies that go the extra mile. We have seen many incredible businesses using Feefo to its full potential and provide truly memorable experiences for their customers.”

Feefo is a ratings and reviews, and customer analytics platform that provides the tools to collect genuine, purchase-verified reviews on behalf of over 4,000 businesses. Feefo ensures that all feedback is authentic, by matching it to a legitimate transaction; this is in order to increase consumer confidence, and combat the rising issue of fake reviews.

To say we are delighted with the news would be an understatement, creating a real buzz in our office. To speak to someone in our team, please call 01604 946 779, or to see how we compare to your current insurer, request a no obligation marine insurance quote.

Crick Boat Show

Thank you for coming to see us at the Crick Boat Show

Thank you to everyone who came to the Assist Insurance stand at the Crick Boat Show at the weekend. We had three days of beautiful warm and sunny weather – with the exception of torrential rain on Sunday evening! The show coped well with the conditions but there were some traffic issues on the Monday morning. All in all it was a very successful show and everyone we spoke to really enjoyed it. There were some fabulous canal boats on display; ranging from narrow boats to wide beam and liveaboards; historic and vintage canal boats to modern boats with high-spec finishes and the latest technology. The seminar programme and entertainment were also very popular.

For those of you who have requested we contact you regarding your boat insurance, we are currently working through all of your enquiries and we’ll be in touch before your current insurance policy is due for renewal.

The winner of our FREE prize draw will be announced on the 30th June when our competition closes, enabling those who wanted to enter online can still do so. And the prize? A year’s free insurance for their boat.

The whole team at Assist Insurance worked hard both before and during the show to make sure it was a success. We met lots of lovely people and gave out over 1,500 goody bags, notepads and our popular floating keyrings. And we have attached some photos of the show for you all to enjoy!

We’re looking forward to next year, when the show celebrates its 20th anniversary – see you there!

Crick Boat Show image 2017

Come and see us at the Crick Boat Show this Bank Holiday

Assist Insurance Services will be at the Crick Boat Show again this year. The show is open to the public over the spring Bank Holiday weekend at the Crick Marina.

There are lots of things to do this year, whether you’re a seasoned boat owner a part-time sailor or you just want to dip your toe in the water! There are free boat trips, fascinating seminars and colourful historic boats to see as well as a raft of activities for your children to enjoy.

If you do make it to the show, be sure to look out for our stand (ww 78-79). We have staff available all weekend to help you with your insurance queries.

Plus, if you’re looking for a way to keep your keys safe on the water, ask us for one of our popular floating key fobs! We’ve also got a goodie bags to give away as well. (Free whilst stocks last.)

‘We’re hoping for great weather this weekend,’ says Steve Leech, Director, Assist Insurance, ‘but whatever happens the Crick Boat show is always a vibrant place to be with lots to see and do. We are delighted to be supporting the show again this year and we hope to see you there.’

For more information about the Crick Boat show, including opening times and admission costs, visit