Crick Boat Show – Postponed

The Crick Boat Show was scheduled to take place over the late May Bank Holiday weekend, however because of the health advice regarding Covid-19 and the governments advice, the show has now been postponed.
The evolving public health advice regarding Covid-19 has been closely monitored and the protection of people’s health is paramount which is why the decision has been made to postpone. The Crick Boat Show team have already started to look at other dates later in the year so that the event can be rescheduled.
The Crick Boat Show is one of Britain’s biggest inland waterways show and Peter Jones, The Crick Boat Show Director made the following statement on Monday 16th March 2020:
“With Crick Boat Show scheduled to take place over the Late May Bank Holiday weekend, we have been closely monitoring the evolving public health advice regarding Covid-19 and the rapidly changing government plans.
The health of visitors, exhibitors, volunteers, contractors, suppliers and our staff is paramount and it has become clear that, with the currently projected duration of the Covid-19 outbreak, now is the right time for us to announce a postponement of the 2020 Show to later in the year.
We are aware that the Show is critical to many waterway-related businesses and the highlight of the waterways calendar for many visitors, and so we will be working hard to find a suitable alternative date. With around 40 key suppliers to work with on their availability we would ask for your support and patience while we evaluate all of the possibilities. We will make a further announcement on a re-scheduling as soon as possible.”
A new date for the show will be set later this year and a further announcement will be made as soon as possible.